Automated document approval workflows for Google Docs

Create and monitor automated approval workflows for Google Docs, Sheets, Slides, and Drive content. Accelerate your business with faster document approvals within the Google Workspace apps you already use.

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In Review
  • User avatar
    Katie Collins requested review 2d ago
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    Arthur Young approved 2d ago
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    Sarah Lowe requested changes 2d ago

    Update the positioning here and really emphasize our excellent customer support compared to the competition.

  • Katie Collins made changes 1d ago
  • User avatar
    Sarah Lowe approved 1h ago
  • Review completed 9m ago

Fast. Frictionless.

Intuitive approval experience

Everything happens inside Google Workspace, so your reviewers can use the tools they already know to approve with confidence.

Approver UI screenshot
No additional logins
Approvers authenticate with their existing Google account so they never need to log into a new system.
Familiar UI
Approvers can leave comments and suggestions using the web UI they are already familiar with.
Documents never leave Google Workspace so you don't have to lose sleep over data breaches.

Flexible. Functional.

Completely customizable

Build powerful approval workflows tailored to meet the unique needs of your team.

Set project deadlines to track whether workflows are on-track or overdue.
Automated email reminders
Configure automated email reminders to ensure reviewers don't forget to review and approve content.
Required & optional reviewers
Control which reviewers are required and which are optional to ensure projects aren't roadblocked waiting on non-key stakeholders.
Multi-stage workflows
Create multiple stages for approval workflows to ensure certain teams approve content before it's sent to other teams for further review.
Reviewer checklists
Help reviewers approve faster by providing them with detailed review checklist.
Custom request messages
Provide reviewers with the context they need to approve confidently.

Measured. Managed.

Monitor everything

Track approvals, identify projects at risk of missing deadlines, and analyze audit reports all from a single dashboard.

Meet deadlines

Determine which projects are falling behind schedule and take action so you never miss a deadline.

Identify bottlenecks

Identify the reviewers, teams, or processes that are slowing your business down.

Audit approvals

All approvals are audited so there's always a record of who approved the document.